Sunday Thoughts 3

      Recently I have been doing my best to try to contextualize why it is exactly that I have been so adamant in my pursuit of biblical studies, theology, and apologetics. Of course a pretty cut and dry answer would be to say ‘so that I may introduce as many people as possible (loved ones and strangers alike) to the love, forgiveness, and redemptive power of Christ, which is offered as a free gift to all of us sinners.’ This now begs the all so familiar question, what does it mean when people say that they received “the call?” Whether it be within the context of ministry, or frankley any facet of life. What in the world do people mean when they’ve been called to do something, or that they were ‘built for this?’ Now I’m sure if you ask ten people this question there’s a good chance you’d hear ten different, yet equally valid answers. After thinking long and hard about it, I’ve come up with an answer that will hopefully make it clear to those of you who are reading this and saying to yourselves “am I really taking theological advice from the dude whose party move involved smashing beer cans over his head?” How do I best explain something as deep as one’s purpose in the context of the dramatic shift that has taken place in my life? Hear me out…

      While a pension and benefits are nice, I’d argue that those of us who go on to pursue a career as Cops and Firemen do so for a deeper purpose. God chooses to bless a very specific group of people with specific qualities in which they can use to serve their community. An innate drive to serve and protect others, strength, discipline in the field and in training as well, diligence, the ability to listen carefully and decipher truth, etc etc. When one person is given all of these traits, we would say “they were clearly built for a job in civil service.” They have been gifted all of the necessary abilities to effectively protect people, places, and things, the physical aspects of the community. Everything that needs protection from robbers, fires, rapists, or disasters alike. Well the truth of the matter is that not everything that exists in this world is physical/material in nature. While yes we all exist in nature as a physical body, within every one of us also exists a soul. Your soul needs protection from the dangers of the world too. And while it may not be from robbers and fires… your soul needs protection from demons, depression, alcoholism, heartbreak and so on. Just like He has done for the physical world, God has blessed a specific group of people with the qualities necessary to protect the community but on the spiritual plane. Service to the community, but in a way in which God has designed you to do so.


      It truly makes my heart swell to see when professional athletes in post game interviews take a moment to thank their Lord and savior Jesus Christ. They have taken all of their abilities in which God has given them, and used them to amplify His holy name. During the 2009 College National Championship game, Tim Tebow chose to wear John 3:16 on his eye black. Following the game, the term “John 3:16” was googled over 90,000,000 times! Just to make sure you all don’t think that is a typo, that’s 90 million. Things like this are so big to those who follow Christ, no matter the size of the platform, we remember that we have been given that platform for a purpose. And while those who haven’t made the decision to follow Him yet may sometimes scoff, or say ‘just get to the good part of the post game interview already,’ please remember that if we truly believe it to be true, then there is no more important thing in the world that we can do apart from introducing Him to you.

      You, the one reading this right now, He’s calling you. If you’re still reading up to this point out of appreciation for the writer, I’m flattered. But I’d argue that you’ve actually stuck around because believe it or not, something has piqued your interest. How is God calling you? What’s He calling you to do? It can be something as small as an urge to call that friend you haven’t spoken to in forever who is struggling through something. So remain vigilant, because it may be something as subtle as a whisper, but be careful because it can also be a shout.

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