Class Transcripts

Evangelism Class 1.

How Apologetics relates to Evangelism “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, exhort you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you were called. With all humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with another in love, be eager to keep the unity of the Spirit in the

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Evangelism Class 2.

Evidence vs. Proof. Did Jesus actually live? In this class, we won’t be able to ‘prove’ anything to you. I’m sorry. But think about that word for a second. Proof. The question of God isn’t a scientific question. It is a philosophical question. And the story of Jesus is a

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Welcome to the world of apologetics!

Let us all familiarize ourselves and become more comfortable making logically sound defenses for the spirit that is in us all. My hope is to not only sharpen the intellectual swords of the defenders of christianity, but to also introduce the gospel to as many new people as possible. God

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Mission Liberia Summary

There are 3 ways of knowing something, rationalism (you can think about it and know it exists, such as consciousness and truth) empiricism (you know something exists because you have experienced it with your 5 senses) and we also have a revelation. We know what we know because God has

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